Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Peaceful Melody

I looked up the meaning of the little girl's name to whom this vanity was traveling and turns out Aija means melody in Latvian.  We sure hope she is enjoying her pinky pink vanity!

Mom mentioned she loved peace signs and L happened to find this fabric!

Color Me Surprised, Revisited

Color Me Surprised sold a while back and the sweet family was looking for a fridge to match.  They were very patient through all our travels and finally got it today!  We beefed up the original kitchen too, poor thing took a beating on the sales floor!  Who can blame the kids for wanting to play with it, it is adorable!

Busy Busy!

We have been busy over here in the Gourmet Giggles studio.  Besides organizing and cleaning out to get ready for our holiday season, we have been working on some "And More" pieces.  We always get asked if we do adult pieces and besides Chilled Out, some cake plates and some jewelry dishes, we really haven't.  So, we decided to try our hand at it.  So far the pieces we have done are in our own homes, but for the right offer we are always willing to let them go.....well, maybe :-).

Here are a few shots of the pieces we have done so far:
Antique buffet acquired on L's southwestern travels this summer

Team member L's breakfast table

of course our model had to get in on the shoot
This dresser was purchased at an estate sale last weekend.  A little paint and there she is!

We love the look of the drawer sides being painted.  Eventually when the right fabric or paper is found for this color the drawers will be lined inside as well.

I fell in love with these lines

 And these lines :-)