Monday, November 18, 2013


Bright pink and spunky to boot, that's Pizzazz!  I made this kitchen with the thought that the bright kitchens that always feel like a big risk always sell first.  All be darned if this little girl didn't leave the sales floor before I even got in on Saturday!  I had to turn right around and go pick Bold Blooms back up and bring her over.
This little pink piece just kind of happened.  I had plans for a darling grey and light pink piece, then somehow, I ended up with bright pink paint in my hand and away I went!  Ooops!  But she is going to be loved at Christmas.  Grandpa and Grandma just couldn't resist when they saw their sweet little granddaughter playing away.  And when she said "I want" they had to say yes :-).  Check out Pizzazz.

Put a Bird on It!

Birds are very popular right now.  Well, I guess they have stood the test of time as far as decor is concerned, but with the introduction of Pinterest, birds are EVERYWHERE!  I don't mind jumping on that bandwagon.  I have always love incorporating wildlife in to my home decor, so I love that owls, foxes, deer and birds are more widely accessible now.  That being said.....a friend and I were talking about her dining room table.  It was a hand me down from her mother in law and several years ago they had it stained dark.  A couple moves and a toddler later it had seen better days.  So I begged her to let me refinish it.  She agreed and off we went on our merry Pinteresting ways :-).  She had a chair that served as the color and bird inspiration for the design, but we wanted to tone it down a little.  This is what we ended up with.  The green is Maison Blanche Mardis Gras with a dark wax finish and the top was taken down to its original color the varnished to protect it.  It is perfectly shabby :-)

The natural wood sealed with varnish

The seats have these gold birds.  Just enough to notice, but not enough to overpower the table.