Thursday, January 24, 2013

Halle aka Dear Old Friend

Halle, our Dear Old Friend, has been hanging around our shop for quite some time waiting for her family to be ready for her :-).  We have become friends with her and were especially sad to see this one go.  She has had more accessories sprayed for her than we can count and as new things have come our way we would change our minds.  We don't get our hands on too many of these "fridge" furniture pieces, but excited it is going to this family.  It was time for her to move out and onto being played with before we changed our minds, AGAIN!  We are so happy her family is home and settling back in to life here in Niceville!

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog while looking for kids kitchen ideas on pinterest. Your work is absolutely fabulous so I will be following you for some special inspiration. I have just recently started blogging myself and being new at it finding sites like yours really helps. Keep up the amazing work. I love it all.
